WEC International, which was founded by Charles Studd, – who worked with D. L. Moody and Hudson Taylor and was celebrated as the “Pioneer of Student Gospel Movement” – dispatched Missionary Kays Glass to South Korea for the first time in 1956. Glass and his associate evangelists established a mission school, where Pastor Ock Soo Park was the 1st class graduate. In 1972, Pastor Park founded Good News Mission, and after foreign missionaries returned to their home country in 1975, he was entrusted with the mission school and managed it since 1976.
At present, Good News Mission is carrying on its mission activities with 178 churches in South Korea and has dispatched 214 missionaries to 80 countries worldwide. It has established the Mahanaim Bible College educating and training Korean and foreign missionaries and has established over 760 churches in Korea and abroad.
The Good News Mission preaches the Gospel through Bible seminars, winter and summer retreats, and student camps in Korea and abroad. In addition to missionary activities, NGOs have been founded in over 30 countries to develop youth and young leaders through youth mind education, cultural exchange programs, educational academies, and social service activities.
Moreover, domestic university students have been dispatched abroad as overseas volunteers.
The Good News Mission has also actively set about missionary work in Africa, Central America, and South America through medical volunteering, founding schools, and establishing broadcasting networks.
As of now, the followings are the statistics of Good News Mission’s Global presence:
- 178 Korean Churches
- international Churches (182 churches established by Korean missionaries)214 missionaries dispatched from the Korean mission’s headquarters
- Approximately 400 ministers dispatched by international churches (2013. 7.)
- 4,442 short-term missionaries dispatched from 2002 until now
- 29 Mahanaim Bible Colleges